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The Cricothyroid Muscle: A Powerhouse in Trans Voice Training

Arguably one of the most important muscles for gender affirming voice training is the cricothyroid, a small but powerful muscle sitting within the larynx and thereby controlling the vocal fold tension and length, which will directly affect pitch and help with overall flexibility.

Trans Voice Training Anatomy and Function of the Cricothyroid Muscle

The cricothyroid muscle connects the cricoid cartilage, or the ring-shaped cartilage at the base of the larynx to the thyroid cartilage or the Adam's apple. Its main function is that of tilting the thyroid cartilage forward, which causes the following profound effect on the vocal folds:

  • Vocal Fold Elongation: The contraction of the cricothyroid pulls the thyroid cartilage forward and downward, which increases the distance between the thyroid and arytenoid cartilages. It stretches and elongates the vocal folds, thus thinning and tensing them.

  • Increased Vocal Fold Tension: The tension along the length of the vocal folds increases due to the elongation. This heightened tension leads to faster vibration, hence producing a higher pitch.

The Cricothyroid Muscle in Trans Voice Training

The cricothyroid muscle is a major target in trans voice training because of its pivotal role in pitch control, as follows:

1. Pitch:

  • Feminization: Strengthening and increasing the activity of the cricothyroid muscle is important for raising pitch. The active use of this muscle helps to lengthen and tighten the vocal folds, yielding a higher fundamental frequency and a more feminine voice.

  • Masculinization: Although cricothyroid activity is not as prominent in masculinization, learning to control and maybe reduce it can help lower the pitch. This will, in turn, allow the vocal folds to relax and shorten, contributing to a lowering of the fundamental frequency.

2. Vocal Quality:

  • Feminization: Increased cricothyroid activity can promote a more transparent and brilliant voice quality, characteristic of the female voice. The thinner, tenser vocal folds resulting from the action of this muscle enable more efficient airflow and prevent muffled tones.

  • Masculinization: Reduced activity of the cricothyroid muscle can promote a thicker and more relaxed voice quality, characteristic of the male voice.

3. Resonance:

  • Feminization: The cricothyroid muscle indirectly influences resonance by altering vocal fold configuration. The elongated, tense vocal folds produced by its action favor higher frequencies, contributing to a brighter resonance.

  • Masculinization: Reduced cricothyroid activity can contribute to a darker resonance by allowing the vocal folds to relax and shorten, favoring lower frequencies.

4. Inflection and Prosody:

  • Feminization: The development of fine-grained control over the cricothyroid muscle allows for flexibility in pitch modulation, which will facilitate wider pitch variations and inflections associated with feminine speech patterns.

  • Masculinization: Control and reduction of cricothyroid activity can contribute to a more monotone or restricted pitch range, aligning with masculine speech patterns.

Cricothyroid Training Techniques

Voice coaches employ various techniques in training the cricothyroid muscle:

  • Pitch Glides: Gliding smoothly between a low and high pitch requires a sensitive adjustment of the cricothyroid muscle for the right tension of the vocal folds.

  • Scales: scales and arpeggios pushes the cricothyroid muscle to do rapid, precise adjustments of vocal fold tension for different pitches.

  • Head Voice Exercises: Exercises that encourage use of the "head voice" often include heightened cricothyroid activity that strengthens this muscle and fosters the production of higher pitches.

  • Biofeedback: Visual feedback tools, such as spectrograms, can provide real-time information about cricothyroid muscle activity, thus enabling more precise control.

The Importance of Holistic Voice Training

While the cricothyroid muscle plays a crucial role in pitch control, effective voice training requires a holistic approach that addresses all aspects of voice production. This includes:

  • Breath support: Proper breath management provides the necessary airflow for vocal fold vibration.

  • Resonance: Optimizing the use of resonating spaces shapes vocal quality.

  • Articulation: The clarity of articulation increases the intelligibility and introduces the speaker's gendered speech patterns.

  • Intonation and prosody:  The variation of pitch, speaking rate, and rhythm all add to expressive, natural communication.

By engaging in consistent practice, transgender individuals can develop mastery over their cricothyroid muscle, achieving significant vocal changes that align with their gender identity and enhance their communication and self-expression.

As always, if you’re interested in getting started with voice training, click on the link below to schedule your first session with me today!

Till next time,



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