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False Vocal Folds: The Unsung Heroes (and Villains!) of Trans Voice Training

Right then, let’s have a proper look at this voice business, shall we? It’s a marvel, the voice, isn’t it? A way of showing the world who you truly are. And for those on a transgender journey, finding a voice that truly reflects their inner self, well, that’s a right powerful thing, isn’t it? It’s like finding the missing piece of the puzzle, the key to unlocking the door to who you’re meant to be.

Now, this journey, it often involves getting to grips with these things called the false vocal folds. A bit of a mystery, they are, lurking about in the shadows, but playing a rather crucial role in how we sound. Think of them as the understudies of the voice world, the supporting cast to the stars of the show — the true vocal folds.

Let’s lift the curtain on these false vocal folds, shall we? Peek behind the scenes and see what they’re all about.

False Vocal Folds and Trans Voice Training: The Big Picture

Picture the larynx, if you will, the very heart of our voice. Within this magnificent structure, we find two pairs of folds: the true vocal folds, the divas, if you like, responsible for creating the beautiful sounds we make. And then, hovering above, like watchful guardians, we have the false vocal folds. Think of them as the velvet cushions protecting the crown jewels, ensuring the true vocal folds can do their job unhindered.

Now, these folds, they’re made of muscle and this rather lovely moist lining called mucosa. But unlike their more glamorous counterparts, the false vocal folds, well, they lack a certain finesse. They can’t quite hit those high notes with the same precision. But, and this is where it gets interesting, they can be controlled, tightened or loosened, and that, my friends, has a profound effect on the resonance of our voice.

And here’s the thing about these false vocal folds… they can be a bit of a challenge for those on a trans journey, particularly for those assigned male at birth seeking a more feminine voice. You see, society, with its expectations and norms, often encourages a tightening of these folds, leading to a higher pitch and a breathy quality. But fear not, for knowledge is power!

The Key to Using your False Vocal Folds

By understanding these hidden voice changers, we can take control! We can learn to relax them, to allow the true vocal folds to shine, to create a voice that truly resonates with our soul. There are techniques, you see, exercises that can help. Gentle humming, lip trills, even a simple sigh. These can all help to relax those false vocal folds and pave the way for a more authentic voice. 

Now, now, don’t think I’ve revealed all the secrets just yet! These techniques, these exercises — the gentle hum, the playful lip trill, the simple sigh — they’re merely a taste, a tantalizing glimpse into the world of vocal transformation.

If you’re truly eager to unravel the mysteries of those false vocal folds, to master the art of shaping your voice, well then, my friends, you simply must venture further! Behold! A treasure trove of vocal wisdom awaits you here:

And for those seeking a more masculine voice, well, there are tricks of the trade for that too. A gentle cough, a playful “gulp,” even a siren-like slide down the scales. It’s all about finding what works for you, isn’t it?

The Wrap Up

This journey, this quest for an authentic voice, it’s a personal one, a voyage of self-discovery. It takes time, patience, and perhaps a guiding hand from a skilled voice coach. But the rewards, oh, they’re immeasurable. To find your voice, to let it soar and sing the song of your true self, well, that’s a truly magnificent thing, isn’t it?

So, embrace your voice, dear friends, nurture it, and let it be a beacon of your true identity. And if you need a helping hand along the way, well, you know where to find me.

Now, off you go and make some beautiful noise!

Till next time,


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